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Dear knitters and crocheters, are you ready to take vacation yet? This is such an exciting time to think and dream about knit/crochet on the road, right? I always have a chill whenever I plan my trip with some stitching opportunity available!

How do you pack your knit/ crochet accessories such as knitting needles, hooks, yarns and more? I usually go compact whether I take a long trip or not. Sometimes I find lots of time to stitch but often not so much. (You know, anything can happen when you're out!) So, most of the cases, I usually prepare about 2 -3 project bags with 1-3 balls of yarns each depending on the projects I plan to work. I make something small and easy to handle when I am on the road like hats, socks, and cowls. I guess it is totally personal preference though. I see some of my fellow knitters would like to take one big project (like a simple pullover) for the entire trip.

knitting crochet project bag with lots of room

Anyway, I take yarns and other notions (a ruler, a row counter, mini scissors, printed patterns, pens and etc.) in an each project bag. I separate an each project in a different bag so whenever I feel like working on a certain project I can simply grab and go without thinking.

For needles and hooks, I'd like to take those traveler's needle case that can carry good numbers of circular needles securely as well as compactly. I usually take circulars out since they are the easiest to carry and most convenient to use. In this needle case, I put a few sets of circulars, extra stitch markers, progress keepers at least.) Again, depending on projects that I work on I take some extras like cable needles and crochet hooks. This compact needle case would take care of all my need. Also, it just perfectly fits in my project bag without any hassle. Easy, peasy, breezy, right?

vacation knitting crochet project bag knitting needle case

So, what about you? Are you a compact knitter/ crocheter or you'd take everything you need just in case? Either way list what you take on the road here and help each other!

BTW, did I tell you I am visiting Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia in this summer? If you have any tips for travelling these lovely countries please let me know. You would make me dance, seriously!

 vacation knitting crochet easy simple


what to buy knitters and crocheters before take off how to organize knitting needles and hooks

 interchangeable knitting needle organizer for travel knitters

interchangeable knitting needle organizer for travel knitters

interchangeable knitting needle organizer for travel knitters


1 Response

Kathleen Larkin
Kathleen Larkin

July 12, 2019

Love pintrest get all patterns oncause i like them

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